A Digital Walk Through Westminster History
Carnation Cottage/Rose Hill House

Carnation Cottage/Rose Hill House
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(48) Carnation Cottage/Rose Hill House
This Eclectic style house is located at 3455 W. 83rd Avenue, and was built by a Mr. Malm in 1914. In the 1920s, it was the home of Dr. A. K. White, Founder and Bishop of the Pillar of Fire Church. The hill where the house stands was referred to as Rose Hill.

The identifying elements of this Eclectic style dwelling: a low-pitched, single-gabled roof with dominant overhangs on the dormer and front windows, show the Craftsman style. The detailing on the porch and open eaves suggests the Colonial Revival style.

North - Twin Cottages (50) near Lowell Boulevard, west side of the Westminster University campus
South - Horne/Jacobson House (35) 8198 King Street
East - Pattison Bungalow (Hopewell Cottage) (49) 8300 Irving Street
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Carnation Cottage/Rose Hill House Pattison Bungalow (Hopewell Cottage) O'Gorman House (Margaret) Horne/Jacobson House Gregory House Upper School Go North Go South [Clickable Image Map]