A Digital Walk Through Westminster History
Upper School

Upper School
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(38) Upper School
This Richardson Romanesque style building was located on the NW corner of 80th Avenue and Lowell Boulevard. The land for the school was purchased on December 18, 1889. This was the first schoolhouse for the Village of Harris, later known as Westminster.

The distinct features that can be seen in this Romanesque building include: a stylized tower, rough red brick rather than the common smooth red brick and curved arches over windows and entrances. The roof line for this style is often hipped with cross gables which makes it look like there is more than one roof.

North - Gregory House 30) 8140 Lowell Boulevard
South - Plandel Houses (31) 7858 Lowell Boulevard
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Carnation Cottage/Rose Hill House Pattison Bungalow (Hopewell Cottage) O'Gorman House (Margaret) Horne/Jacobson House Gregory House Upper School Go North Go South [Clickable Image Map]