A Digital Walk Through Westminster History
O'Gorman House (Margaret)

O'Gorman House (Margaret)
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(36) O'Gorman House (Margaret)
This Eclectic style house is located at 8198 Irving Street.Frank Day built the house in 1910 for Margaret O'Gorman. Miss O' Gorman and her mother operated a boarding house here for Westminster University students.

The this two-story wood-framed dwelling has the same floor plan as the Horne/Jacobson House which is Folk Vernacular. The added Queen Anne elements: a tower placed in the right front corner of the structure and contrasting colors on the front gable give it a Victorian look. The steep pitched, front gabled roof and long window shapes are also common in the Neoclassical style.

North - Pattison Bungalow (Hopewell Cottage) (49) 8300 Irving Street
West - Horne/Jacobson House (35) 8198 King Street
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Carnation Cottage/Rose Hill House Pattison Bungalow (Hopewell Cottage) O'Gorman House (Margaret) Horne/Jacobson House Gregory House Upper School Go North Go South [Clickable Image Map]